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ED 2020: Design Thinking for Schools

Enrollment in this course is by invitation only

About This Course

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced teachers to adopt digital technologies to continue reaching students through synchronous and asynchronous platforms. Teachers have had to create, curate and design digital resources in a fairly short duration of time. As most schools complete at least 2- 3 months of teaching using digital resources, there is a pool of knowledge and experience that teachers can share to reflect on and enhance the learning experience in the coming months. This workshop aims to foreground recent teacher experiences and explore, examine and experiment with technology to reimagine pedagogy that will support interactive and active learning.Teachers can examine teaching-learning problems, assumptions, implications and design solutions by understanding learners and their contexts in authentic and humane ways.

Course Objectives

The purpose of this workshop is to introduce “Design Thinking” methodology among participants for creating meaningful, pedagogically valid teaching-learning resources. The workshop aims to help participants:
  1. Challenge their assumptions and discover new ways of exploring, creating and curating digital tools and resources for addressing teaching-learning problems. There will be a focus on analysing their own context and identifying affordances and limitations of digital learning therein.
  2. Engage in constructing and repurposing lesson plans that can be implemented/taught online using constructivist pedagogies and pedagogy content knowledge (PCK)

Who can join the course

This workshop will be suitable for teachers (std. V - X) of language (Modern Indian Languages including English, first or second), mathematics and science. Participants should have basic proficiency in digital skills especially use of word editors, spreadsheets, internet browsing etc. The workshop may limit participation to a total of 20 - 25 participants.

Requirements: Hours of Effort per Week

Synchronous Synchronous Asynchronous Synchronous
Friday, 5.00 - 6.30 PM Saturday, 2.00 - 4.00 PM task with peer discussion with mentors
1.5 hours 2 hours 1.5 hours 1 hour

Resource Staff

Bindu Thirumalai

Jennifer Thomas

Judith Perry

Nishevita Jayendran

Omkar Balli

Ruchi Kumar

  1. Course Number

  2. Classes Start

  3. Classes End

  4. Estimated Effort

  5. Price
